Events / News


On Tuesday 12 December 2023, a Career Day will be held for students and graduates of all Schools, Departments and study cycles.

The Career Day will take place in the framework of the project “Business eco-system as an integrated system”, acronymed “Be In”, which is implemented in the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Interreg “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020”. The Career Day aims to match businesses with potential human resources. Candidates will be in contact with more than one company during the Career Day and all participants – companies and potential candidates – will know in advance the specifications of the jobs, such as specialisations or desired studies etc.

The Career Day will take place in person at the conference rooms of the “Mediterranean Palace” hotel (3 Salaminos & Karatassou, Thessaloniki, opposite the Thessaloniki Port Authority). 15 companies and institutions active in different sectors will participate, in order to cover the interests and needs of the participants.

The Career Day will offer the opportunity for face-to-face talks and interviews. In addition, there will be a thematic section with parallel presentations – contributions, for the presentation of the characteristics of the local labour market, the analysis of the required knowledge and skills in the Region of Central Macedonia, the available financial tools for the establishment and operation of start-ups and the empowerment of the skills of young potential employees in relation to job search.

DURATION: 09:00am – 14:30pm
For better organization of the action, please fill in the following Expression of Interest Form for your participation:
Job candidates:
EVENT PROGRAMME: [subject to change – please refer to the event page ( ) for the latest version of the Programme]
More information about the “Be In” project can be found on the project website:


The Region of Central Macedonia organizes workshops with the aim of revealing trends and assessing the future needs of young scientists and start-up entrepreneurs regarding their inclusion in the labor market and entrepreneurship.

The workshops are organized within the framework of the project “Business eco-system as an integrated system” with the acronym “Be In”, which is implemented within the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation program “Greece-Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020”.

The workshops will explore, through dialogic discussion, the needs of young scientists, final students/university graduates and young start-up business entrepreneurs in relation to the adequacy or lack of formal qualifications and skills as well as knowledge in matters related to entrepreneurship and innovation (establishment /funding and organization/operation of start-ups and startups). Based on the results of this investigation, brief educational seminars will follow on the topics that will be highlighted.

The participants (young scientists, graduates and final students, start-up entrepreneurs) will be provided with educational material in the thematic sections of the seminars and will receive a certificate of participation from the Region of Central Macedonia.

The workshops will take place at the facilities of the “Eastern Center for Lifelong Learning” (Kymis 14, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, on Tuesday 5/12/2023 and Wednesday 6/12/ 2023, from 9 am to 8 pm (see the detailed program in the attached workshop agenda).

For the best organization of the workshops, please fill out the Expression of Interest Form for your participation in the workshops, at the link below (priority order will be respected):

More information about the BeIn project can be found on the project website:
